How to avoid bugs?

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Testing at every stage of development:

Systems can help identify and eliminate bugs early in the software development process. Unit testing (performed by developers) and functional testing (undertaken by QA professionals) should be laced throughout the project. Then, when bugs are uncovered, that portion of the programming is still fresh in the developer’s mind, making it easier to find a fix.

Prioritization of bug fixes:

Software development pros should have a plan in place for when and how to fix bugs. Some require an immediate fix to head off additional challenges. Others can be saved for later in the process. Your development team should be able to explain how they prioritize bugs to ensure your deadlines are met. Above all, don’t save all the bugs until the end. Fix the mission-critical ones as soon as you find them.

Acceptance testing:

Communication can be a challenge. Sometimes, the software development team does not fully understand your requirements or intentions for your app. Acceptance testing by you can be sprinkled into the development timeline, rather than held for the very end. That way, you might just spot some critical bugs before it’s too late.



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