Different types of bugs

1) Functionality Errors:

Functionality is a way the software is intended to behave. Software has a functionality error if something that you expect it to do is hard, awkward, confusing, or impossible.

2) Communication Errors:

These errors occur in communication from software to end-user. Anything that the end user needs to know in order to use the software should be made available on screen.

3)Missing command errors:

This happens to occur when an expected command is missing.

4) Syntactic Error:

Syntactic errors are misspelled words or grammatically incorrect sentences and are very evident while testing softwareGUI. Please note that we are NOT referring to syntax errors in code. The compiler will warn the developer about anysyntax errors that occur in the code

5) Error handling errors:

Any errors that occur while the user is interacting with the software needs to be handled in a clear and meaningful manner. If not, it is called as an Error Handling Error.

6) Calculation Errors:

These errors occur due to any of the following reasons:
  • Bad logic
  • Incorrect formulae
  • Data type mismatch
  • Coding errors
  • Function call issues , etc

7) Control flow errors:

The control flow of a software describes what it will do next and on what condition.


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